学位:博士 职称:讲师 研究方向:应用语言学,英语教育 Email: sliu[at]juzhouvip.com |
研究领域: |
◇ | 英语教育,EMI |
学术兼职: |
1 | 期刊会议审稿人:TESOL Quarterly (SSCI, Q1), Language and Education (SSCI, Q1), Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (SSCI, Q1), Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice (SSCI, Q2), The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI, Q2), Educational Philosophy and Theory (SSCI, Q3), TESOL Journal (ESCI; SJR, Q1), Journal of Asia TEFOL (SJR, Q1), TESL-EJ (Scopus), AAAL, AERA |
2 | 哈佛大学教育九州娱乐app
研究生年会审稿人 |
海外经历: |
1 | 哈佛大学,2016-2018 |
2 | 弗吉尼亚大学海上学府,2015 |
3 | 加州大学河滨分校,2013 |
4 | 埃克塞特大学,2012 |
学术成果: |
1 | Liu. S. & Yuan, R. (2024). Explicit teaching of reflective practice (RP): probing the immediate and long-term influence. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. (SSCI, Q2, IF: 2.8) |
2 | Liu. S. & Yuan, R. (2023). “Part of me is teaching English”: Probing the language-related teaching practices of an English-medium Instruction (EMI) teacher. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI, Q1, IF: 2.6) (通讯作者) |
3 | Liu. S. & Yuan, R. (2023). Probing pre-service language teachers’ emotional experiences through lesson study: A Macau study. The Language Learning Journal. (ESCI; SJR, Q1, IF: 3.5) |
4 | Liu, S., Yuan, R., & Wang, C. (2021). ‘Let emotion ring’: An autoethnographic self-study of an EFL instructor in Wuhan during COVID-19. Language Teaching Research, 13621688211053498. (SSCI, Q1, IF: 4.8) (通讯作者) |
5 | Yuan, K., & Liu, S. (2021). Understanding EFL Instructor Identity Changes during Online Teaching in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in China. RELC Journal, 00336882211066622. (SSCI, Q2, IF: 2.1) (通讯作者) |
6 | Yuan, R., Liu. S. & Zhao, X. (2023). Humanizing teacher education through translanguaging: Experiences from an online English-medium instruction (EMI) course. International Journal of Multilingualism. (SSCI, Q1, IF: 2.9) |
7 | Yuan, R., & Liu, S. (2022). Learning to teach through Tong Ke Yi Gou: voices from pre-service language teachers. International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies. (SSCI, Q3, IF: 1.1) |
8 | Yuan, R., Zhao, X. & Liu. S. (2023).When big ideas meet critical thinking in lesson study: Insights from a pre-service language teacher education course. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI, Q1, IF: 4.8) |
9 | Wang, C., Teng, M. F., & Liu, S. (2023). Psychosocial profiles of university students’ emotional adjustment, perceived social support, self-efficacy belief, and foreign language anxiety during COVID-19. Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 1-12. (ESCI, Q4, IF: 1.6) |
10 | Yuan, R., Lee, I., Costa P. D., Yang, M., & Liu, S. (2022). TESOL teacher educators in higher education: A review of studies from 2010 to 2020. Language Teaching. (SSCI, Q1, IF: 6.0) |
奖励与荣誉: |
1 | 弗吉尼亚大学海上学府项目2015年董浩云学者(C. Y. Tung Scholar) |
2 | 澳门大学濠江博士获得者 |
3 | 2021年田家炳青年学者 |