

2月18日讲座:How to publish research papers in international journals


BFSU Isabel Forum Series

How to publish research papers in international journals


讲座地点:九州娱乐app 111会议室

演讲人:Francis John Troyan 教授


In this talkProfessor Troyan will explore considerations for writing for publication in journals. Based on experiences as an author, and most recently, as a journal editor, Professor Troyan will discuss the phases of publication, key considerations in the manuscript preparation process, and discuss other issues in the publication.


Francis John Troyan,美国俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布校区教学与学习系教授、博导,SSCI期刊Foreign Language Annals联合主编。他的研究聚焦于语言教师教育以及基于文本类型的语言教育教学与评估方法,学术成果主要见The Canadian Modern Language ReviewForeign Language AnnalsLanguage and EducationSystemTeaching and Teacher Education等期刊。

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