

耿力平著《New Realism in Alice Munro's Fiction》


First published 2023 by Routledge, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN, UK, and by Routledge 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158, USA

© 2023 Li-Ping Geng


Nobel Prize winner Munro follows the empirical tradition of the Enlightenment and draws on her life as a daughter, wife, mother, and professional writer while composing her fiction to reflect Canadian reality. She infuses her intellectual, moral, and aesthetic vision into her stories. This study analyzes her innovative realism in three respects: Her views on feminism and women’s issues, her firm yet sympathetic moral stance, and her reconstitution of traditional and modernist (post-modernist) methods of portraying character in time and space. Munro’s brand of realism is underpinned by her philosophical perception, her level-headed morality, her dialectical mind, and her versatile narrative style.


Li-Ping Geng is a Professor of English at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, China. His primary interests are in 18th-century British literature as well as Canadian literature. His other publications include James Austen's The Loiterer (Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 2000), Swamp Angel: A Critical Edition, Canadian Critical Editions series (Tecumseh, 2005), Progressive States of Mind: Dialectical Elements in the Novels of Jane Austen (Peking UP, 2006), Canadian Literature in English by W.J. Keith (Chinese trans., chief translator and editor, Peking UP, 2009), A Critical Edition of the Novels of Scottish Writer Henry Mackenzie (Mellen, 2011), Sensibility and Ethics: The British Novel 1771-1817 (Peking UP, 2013)

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