




陈丽,北京外国语大学九州娱乐app 副教授,爱尔兰研究中心副主任;主要研究方向为20世纪英国文学与爱尔兰文学。近年来在《外国文学评论》《国外文学》《外国文学》等期刊发表相关领域的学术文章多篇,出版有学术专著《时间十字架上的玫瑰——20世纪爱尔兰大房子小说》。



The monograph is the first attempt in China to analyze the politics of cultural production during the period known as the Irish Literary Revival, covering not only major writers (like W. B. Yeats and John Synge), but also writers less-known in China (like Patrick Pearse and Daniel Corkery). The literary movement, far from being non-political, was driven by an underlying passion for de-Anglicization and by the writers’ efforts to imagine and reimagine a proper national identity. The fact that they competed with each other for the “authentic” version of Irishness is in essence a competition for a leading role in culturally shaping the country’s future. And such a debate on Irishness, in turn, contributed to the flourishing of the literary achievement, and became a legacy of the Irish Literary Revival.

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